What are you ready
to say yes to?
Upgrading your operating system and rebalancing
your mindset maybe?
We're an accredited International Enneagram Association school. We use proven constructs to help those on a mission to do something new with their life. Our method unfolds what we call 'Your Bottom-line' and takes only a few days to learn. The outcome. A path of least resistance to be, do and have more clarity and inspiration for the things in life that matter to you.
What else are you capable of achieving?
Our coaches and mentors have all been training and accredited by MFA. They're specialists in providing the environment for you to go accountable for your recording limitations. Sounds deep, but they're truly that good you'll breeze it in.
We will help you gain an awareness of your innate strengths. When this unfolds in you, any former limitations lift. And, achieving becomes much more effortless.
Creating that flow and Moving Forward requires the perfect balance of support and challenge. We have a non-intrusive feedback loop to ensure you can elevate your chosen path and experience organic results.
How it works
We add and remove bias filters that shift perceptions
In a single moment, we surface your bottom-line.
That's MFA speak for, 'your truth'.
We collaborate and personalize a new world plan
We provide tools to navigate a new path
We hold you accountable with ongoing support from all our workshops.
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Don't get ready, get started.
Whether you attend an on or offline event, you'll quickly learn we've deliver a curriculum to help you think differently about your innate personal power.
Diluting The Icebergs Group
A three day workshop based course for the individual to deal with and gain a comprehensive understanding of the originality (cause) of their blockages.
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Diluting The Icebergs - Virtual
Designed for the participants to deal with their emotionally held blockages while taking away the emotional and psychological tools to maintain this new lifestyle
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Retrain the Brain
The course is structured around neuroplasticity teachings and practices. During the sessions the participant begins to retrain the thought processes via continual correction to enable the new pathways.
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Enneagram Accreditation Training
The course is initially hourly video conferencing once a week for a twelve week period. During this time the participant is guided through required two assignments on the Enneagram. External studies are a must to assist in the completion of the assignments. There is a follow up two sessions further on to insure study and presentation requirements are met. Further studies are available depending again on previous history.
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One on One Life plan
Connect with your emotional charges and finally deal with the underlying causes. Far too often therapists address and talk about the effect and this intense program gets to the core of the issue. Yes, can be self-confronting but gets you what you want. 30 years says we're doing something right
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Overcoming anxiety
The course is designed with psychological exercises for the participant to implement on a daily basis. It goes beyond the standard breathing techniques (although still important) to enable the participant to master its own emotional state.
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What our customers say ❤️
  • Danika Adams
    Career Mum
    "It's been a year since my 3 day workshop far out things have truly done a 180, from a girl who had given up had 0 self-confidence, felt weak and broken to a woman who knows she can conquer the world, from walking down the streets with my head facing down ashamed to face it all to a bright happy person singing and dancing and smiling at every person she greets, from a mum who couldn't get out of bed to a mother that springs out of bed ready to spend a joyous day with her son by her side, from doing drugs to helping inspire people to get of the drugs. I'm so grateful for all that I've learnt and all that I've accomplished but the thing I'm most grateful for this is only the beginning Thanks David Sherry for helping make all this possible and thanks to the facilitators from my workshop ❤️
  • Bessie Bryce
    "Doing Moving Forward Australia online workshop has taught me more about myself and shown me what I had to improve within myself. It has improved my relationship with my son and my partner dramatically. My partner has seen a massive change in me and says I have grown up since doing the workshop."
  • "I just want to thank you for what you have taught me. It hasn't been smooth sailing but change never is. I don't think I would be handling having the baby and business if I didn't have those sessions with you. I have learnt a lot about myself, business, and people. And managing people. The things that I've implemented have definitely shook the business up and we have become so much more professional which was my goal! What you have taught me about the induction manual, how to deal with difficult situations (rather than run or hide like I used to!) makes putting on new staff so much easier & getting them off on the right path from word go. Thank you.
MFA Accreditations
Accredited IEA professionals have attained a level of advanced knowledge and experience in facilitating, implementing, and teaching the Enneagram.
An Accredited Professional with the International Enneagram Association (IEA).
An Accredited School with the International Enneagram Association (IEA).
An Accredited Training Program with the International Enneagram Association (IEA).